Michael Covel has written 8 books (13 editions) across 16 languages:
1. Trend Following (5 editions; 2004, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2017)
2. TurtleTrader (2 editions; 2007, 2009)
3. Trend Commandments (2011)
4. The Little Book of Trading (2011)
5. Trend Following Analytics (2012)
6. Trend Following Mindset (2021)
7. Trend Following Masters; Volume I (2023)
8. Trend Following Masters; Volume II (2023)

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International Translations:

The Complete TurtleTrader Editions and Translations:
The Complete TurtleTrader (English)
The Complete TurtleTrader: How 23 Novice Investors Became Overnight Millionaires (Paperback)
Publisher: Collins Business
ISBN-10: 0061241717
ISBN-13: 9780061241710
High Resolution Cover Image
The Complete TurtleTrader (English)
The Complete TurtleTrader: The Legend, the Lessons, the Results (Hardcover)
Publisher: Collins Business
ISBN-10: 0061241709
ISBN-13: 9780061241703
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海龟交易特训班 (Chinese-Simplified)
出版社: 人民大學
商品條碼: 9787300109879
ISBN-13: 978-7-300-10987-9/F – 3730
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順勢投資-如何在市場起伏中致富 (Chinese-Traditional)
Publisher: 培生教育出版集團
ISBN-10: 9861542035
ISBN-13: 9789861542034
High Resolution Cover Image
Turtle-Trading: Die Strategie hinter dem größten Mythos der Tradinggeschichte (German)
Verlag: Börsenbuchverlag
ISBN-10: 3938350482
ISBN-13: 9783938350485
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터틀 트레이딩 (Korean)
Publisher: 위즈덤하우스
ISBN-10: 8960861022
ISBN-13: 9788960861022
High Resolution Cover Image
ザ・タートル―投資家たちの士官学校 (Japanese)
Publisher: 日経BP社
商品コード: 4822246302
商品コード: 9784822246303
Издательство: Питер Пресс
Автор: Майкл Ковел
ISBN-13: 9785388003225
Teknős kereskedési szabályok (Hungarian)
Publio Kiadó
ISBN: 9789633816042
ISBN: 9789633816035
High Resolution Cover Image
The Complete TurtleTrader (Thai)
Publisher: Fidelity Publishing Co., Ltd.
ISBN: new book coming soon
Trend Following Editions and Translations:
Trend Following (English)
Trend Following, 5th Edition: How to Make a Fortune in Bull, Bear and Black Swan Markets (Hardcover)
Publisher: Wiley
ISBN-10: 1119371872
ISBN-13: 978-1119371878
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Release: April 24, 2017
Trend Following (English)
Trend Following: Learn to Make Millions in Up or Down Markets [Updated Edition] (Paperback)
Publisher: FT Press; Updated Edition
ISBN-10: 013702018X
ISBN-13: 9780137020188
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Trend Following (English)
Trend Following: How Great Traders Make Millions in Up or Down Markets, New Expanded Edition (Paperback)
Publisher: FT Press; Expanded Edition
ISBN-10: 0136137180
ISBN-13: 9780136137184
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Trend Following (English)
Trend Following: How Great Traders Make Millions in Up or Down Markets, New Expanded Edition (Hardcover)
Publisher: FT Press; Expanded Edition
ISBN-10: 0131345508
ISBN-13: 9780131345508
High Resolution Cover Image
Trend Following (English)
Trend Following: How Great Traders Make Millions in Up or Down Markets (Hardcover)
Publisher: Financial Times Prentice Hall
ISBN-10: 0131446037
ISBN-13: 9780131446038
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Trend Following (Vietnamese)
Trend Following, 5th Edition: How to Make a Fortune in Bull, Bear and Black Swan Markets
Publisher: Happy Live
ISBN-10: n/a
ISBN-13: n/a
出版社: 广东省出版集团, 广东经济出版社
ISBN 10: 7807284447
ISBN 13: 9787807284444
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أسرار البورصة (Arabic)
Publisher: الدار العربية للعلوم
تأليف مايكل كوفل (تأليف
ISBN-10: 9953297932
High Resolution Cover Image
Le trading directionnel (French)
Publisher: Valor
ISBN-10: 2909356507
ISBN-13: 9782909356501
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Trend Following: Wie Trader in jedem Hausse und Baisse Millionen machen (German)
Verlag: Börsenmedien AG
ISBN-10: 3938350083
ISBN-13: 9783938350089
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추세 추종 전략 (Korean)
저자 마이클 코벨 지음
ISBN-10: 8984053244
ISBN-13: 9788984053243
High Resolution Cover Image
順勢投資 如何在市場起伏中致富 (Chinese-Traditional)
Publisher: 培生教育出版集團
ISBN-10: 9861542035
ISBN-13: 9789861542034
High Resolution Cover Image
規律とトレンドフォロー売買法 (ウィザードブックシリーズ) (Japanese)
出版社: パンローリング
マイケル・W・コベル (著), 山口雅裕 (翻訳)
商品コード: 4775971379
商品コード: 9784775971376
トレンドフォロー入門: トレンドの魔術師たちの売買戦略と成功の秘密 (Japanese)
出版社: パンローリング
マイケル・W・コベル (著), 山口雅裕 (翻訳)
商品コード: 4775970461
商品コード: 9784775970461
High Resolution Cover Image
Биржевая торговля по трендам. Как заработать, наблюдая тенденции рынка (Russian)
Издательство: Питер Пресс
Автор: Майкл Ковел
ISBN-13: 9785911807559
High Resolution Cover Image
Trend Takipçisi: Tüm Zamanların En Çok Kazandıran Yatırım Stratejisi Vaatler ve Kanıtları (Turkish)
Publisher: Feyyat Kitap Dagitim – Scala Yayincilik
ISBN: 9789758535606
Trend Following: Estratégias Para Ganhar Milhões Com Mercados de Alta ou de Baixa (Portuguese)
Editora: Fundamento
Código de Barras: 9788539506590
ISBN: 8539506599
Trend Following (Thai)
Publisher: Fidelity Publishing Co., Ltd.
ISBN: new book coming soon
The Little Book of Trading Editions and Translations:
The Little Book of Trading (English)
Publisher: Wiley
ISBN-10: 1118063503
ISBN-13: 9781118063507
High Resolution Cover Image
The Little Book of Trading (Vietnamese)
Publisher: n/a
ISBN-10: n/a
ISBN-13: n/a
趋势交易:全球14位顶尖趋势交易奇才的获利秘诀 (Chinese)
Publisher: 深圳市中资海派
ISBN: 9787510065019
条形码: 9787510065019
Trendfolge für Anleger (German)
Verlag: Börsenmedien AG
ISBN-10: 3864700981
ISBN-13: 978-3864700989
High Resolution Cover Image
Trend jest twoim przyjacielem (Polish)
Förlag: LINIA
ISBN-10: 8363000760
ISBN-13: 9788363000769
Minighid de tranzacţii financiare: Strategia de urmare a tendinţelor pieţei pentru obţinerea de mari câştiguri (Romanian)
Editură: Publica
ISBN-10: 6067220555
ISBN-13: 9786067220551
High Resolution Cover Image
The Little Book of Trading (English)
Publisher: Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., INDIA
ISBN: new book coming soon
Trend Commandments Editions and Translations:
Trend Commandments (English)
Publisher: Pearson
ISBN-10: 0132695243
ISBN-13: 9780132695244
High Resolution Cover Image
趋势戒律:超额收益交易策略 (Chinese)
Publisher: 人民邮电出版社
ISBN-10: 7115312966
ISBN-13: 9787115312969
条形码: 9787115312969
Die Gebote des Tradings: So werden Sie zum erfolgreichen Trendfolger (German)
Verlag: Börsenmedien AG
ISBN-10: 3864700094
ISBN-13: 9783864700095
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Trend Following Mindset Editions and Translations:
Trend Following Mindset (English)
Publisher: Harriman House
ISBN-10: 0857198149
ISBN-13: 978-0857198143
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Trend Following Analytics Editions and Translations:
Trend Following Analytics (English)
Publisher: Pearson
ASIN: B00A27X760
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Broke the New American Dream (Film):
Broke: The New American Dream (Film; English)
Publisher: Trend Following
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Endorsements for Trend Commandments:
“An outstanding book [Trend Commandments] for anyone who wants to become rich by trading markets. Today, government regulations and fiscal and monetary policies are badly distorting financial markets. Covel accurately explains why, in this ‘manipulated’ financial environment, you should never expect markets to move as you wish or expect. Rather, disregard your fundamental beliefs and simply follow the trend. Highly recommended!”
Marc Faber
Managing Director, Marc Faber Ltd.
Editor, Gloom Boom & Doom Report
“If you are even thinking of a career in trading, put down all the other books. Buy this one [Trend Commandments]. Read it. Now you can start your career.”
James Altucher
Managing Director, Formula Capital
“Fire up the barbecue. Michael Covel skewers the sacred cows of Wall Street with tasty bite-sized bits of the truth about what it really takes to succeed in trading and life. Wide-ranging, irreverent, revealing, eminently quotable, and right on the money.”
Charles Faulkner
Market Wizard Trading Coach
“A rapidly moving, non-technical, and outside-the-box effort that smartly captures the essentials of trend following.”
Peter Borish
Chairman and CEO, Computer Trading Corp
“Michael Covel’s Trend Commandments is full of practical wisdom in bite-size portions on the benefits of trend trading–written in a straightforward storytelling format. It’s definitely one to add to your financial bookshelf.”
David Stendahl
Signal Financial Group
“Michael Covel is the very best at explaining the concepts of successful trend following in plain English. I’m certain you’ll be a successful trader if you follow the ideas he outlines in Trend Commandments. This book (and his previous two!) are required reading for new employees in my office.”
Steve Sjuggerud
“Investors have experienced two bear markets in the last decade. This has led to rising volatility, uncertainty, and investor angst. For some it has been a lost decade, but for trend traders it has been a decade of opportunity. Trend Commandments helps you focus on what matters most: the trend of the markets, whether up or down. You can profit from either. Trend Commandments is essential reading for those who have the desire to thrive and survive in an era of fast-paced trending markets.”
Jim Puplava
CEO, Chief Investment Strategist, PFS Group
“Buy and hold has been a difficult investment system for investors for a decade. In Trend Commandments, Covel challenges readers to think differently and question their beliefs about market ‘truths’ ingrained in them for years. Forewarned, you just may never see the world the same way again.”
Mebane Faber
Cambria Investment Management
“Covel’s Trend Commandments offers a breezy rumination on what is right about trend following and what is wrong about conventional trading approaches.”
Jack Schwager
Author of Market Wizards and Schwager on Futures series
“In Trend Commandments Covel writes, ‘Golf Legend Jack Nicklaus is famous for saying: ‘Don’t be too proud to take a lesson. I’m not. Learn the fundamentals of the game and stick to them.’ Every beginning or experienced trend follower should take lessons from this book and your previous books. I have been a trend follower for over 40 years and I am not too proud to take lessons.”
James O. Rohrbach
Investment Models, Inc.
Endorsements for Trend Following:
“Michael Covel’s Trend Following: Essential.”
Ed Seykota
Originally profiled in The Market Wizards
“For my staff, Michael Covel’s Trend Following is required reading.”
Larry Hite, ISAM
Originally profiled in The Market Wizards
“My favorite of the new TA [technical analysis] books is ‘Trend Following’ by Michael Covel. Straightforward, easy to read, this book is rich in details about why trend following is such a successful strategy amongst some of the world’s best-performing hedge funds.”
Barry Ritholtz
The Big Picture
“Covel has created a very rare thing – a well-documented and thoroughly researched book on trend following that is also well-written and easy to read. It touches on a wide variety of the principles and practices which make for successful trend following. This is one book that traders at all levels will find of real value.”
John Mauldin
Millennium Wave Investments
“I think that Michael’s Trend Following is an outstanding read from which all investors can learn to trade markets better by limiting their risks and maximizing their profits through a more disciplined approach to investments.”
Marc Faber
Managing Director, Marc Faber Limited
Editor, Gloom, Boom & Doom Report
“I think the book did a superb job of covering the philosophy and thinking behind trend following (basically why it works). You might call it the Market Wizards of Trend Following.”
Van K. Tharp, Ph.D.
Author of Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom
“A mandatory reference for anyone serious about alternative investments.”
Jon Sundt
“Michael Covel does an excellent job of educating his readers about the little-known opportunities available to them through one of the proven best hedge fund strategies. This book is like gold to any smart investor.”
Christian Baha
“Michael Covel’s book is the definitive guide to trend trading. Backed by real world results from some of the biggest and best money managers in the United States, his book will put you on the path to successful trend trading.”
Larry Connors
“Michael Covel’s Trend Following is a breakthrough book that captures the essence of what really makes markets tick. Diligently researched and comprehensive in scope, it will replace Market Wizards as the must-read bible for a new generation of traders.”
Jonathan Hoenig
Fox News Contributor
“Trend Following: Definitely required reading for the aspiring trader.”
David S. Druz
Tactical Investment Management
“I think that this book documents a great deal of what has made Trend Following Managers a successful part of the money management landscape (how they manage risk and investment psychology). It serves as a strong educational justification on why investors should consider using Trend Following Managers as a part of an overall portfolio strategy.”
Tom Basso
Originally profiled in The New Market Wizards
Endorsements for The Little Book of Trading:
“In The Little Book of Trading, Michael Covel has collected many gems of wisdom from some of the great traders of our time. After reading this book and piecing together all of the commonalities therein, you’ll begin to understand what it takes to be successful in the markets. Ignore these key truths and one day you’ll watch your account disappear.”
Van K. Tharp, Ph.D.
President, The Van Tharp Institute
“The Little Book of Trading reveals the secrets from trend-following insiders giving you the freedom to trade all markets: interest rates, copper, currencies, stocks — you name it! Covel encourages you to take that TV blaring CNBC and throw it right out the window. Charts cut the noise.”
Addison Wiggin
Author of Demise of the Dollar
Executive Publisher, Agora Financial, LLC
“Michael Covel’s unique insight into trading is invaluable. Both novice and experienced traders can benefit from Michael’s thorough knowledge of markets around the globe. The Little Book of Trading is a must read for serious investors.”
Louis G. Navellier
Chairman and Founder, Navellier & Associates, Inc.
“Imagine being in the circle of trust of some of the greatest traders of all time, knowing what made them successful and having them share heartfelt advice. Through the eyes of Michael Covel in The Little Book of Trading, you will truly feel this experience.”
Murray A. Ruggiero Jr.
Contributing Editor, Futures Magazine
VP Research and Development, TradersStudio Inc.
“Michael Covel’s Little Book of Trading is a must-read guide to help you succeed in the shark-infested waters of the investment world.”
Cullen O. Roche
Founder and CEO, Orsus Investments, LLC
Proprietor of Pragmatic Capitalism
Endorsements for The Complete TurtleTrader:
Read TurtleTrader book endorsements here.
Translation Rights
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